Episode 2 - How Tech Makes Construction Managers More Efficient and Productive (With Jason Barber and Nate Tockerman)

As the construction industry evolves, we continue to see increasing interest in adopting technology that improves productivity. Our latest Know It All podcast episode, titled “How Tech Makes Construction Managers More Efficient and Productive,” dives into what spurred the industry to embrace tech more and what this looks like for teams.

Nate Tockerman, former Partner Manager at Procore, and Jason Barber, Former VP at ViZZ Technologies and current Transportation Strategy Manager at Autodesk, discuss new technologies, data and better practices and processes that can help construction companies build better, manage their processes more efficiently and increase their profits.

As Nate explains in the episode:

“Looking towards the future, I really think it is going to be that you're going to drive these wins and gains and abilities to perform into the plan when you estimate. If you're not planning on prefabbing, being more efficient, saving those 30% hours, being safer and lowering your EMR… if that's not all baked into your empirical data on how you're going to build, then numbers that you're sending out the door are going to be wildly different than your competition.”

Read the full transcript here and explore key insights.
