Propmodo- How Digital Twins Benefit Operation of Commercial Properties

Propmodo- How Digital Twins Benefit Operation of Commercial Properties

ViZZ CEO Mitch Hughes recently wrote a guest article in Propmodo:

The words that came from my mouth were unbelievable. After being in the construction tech business for nearly twenty-five years, I was asking everyone in our company, everyone, to collect their necessary belongings and leave the office, not for the night or weekend, but for the foreseeable future. In what felt like an instant, COVID-19 had thrown us from being a company who worked together, with teams of people (including myself) who travel enough to attain gold or platinum status with our most used air carriers, to working almost exclusively from home. How would we survive, much less thrive? And what would the future look like?

For us, the change to a virtual world of working and living, though different, has actually brought some welcome discoveries. Although we’ve had our share of necessary learning and hurdles, the outcome has been surprisingly positive. The vast majority of this realization is the result of two technologies, the first of which is virtual meetings. The second is digital twins, and while they may not be as prominent in our daily vocabulary as Zoom or Teams, they are equally as important.

Click link at top for entire article.
